Kaz's stocks Pruning Shears and Kado hasami not only Kitchen knives. What are the differences between gardening shears and Kado Hasami ?
- Garden Shears(Garden scissors) -
It primarily used in gardening and yard work.
Suitable for cutting thick and branches and stems, capable of powerful cutting.
Features a relatively large blade and strudy structure, ideal for efficiently cutting grass, shrubs and small branches.
Commonly used for tasks such as pruning trees and shrubs and trimming grass.
- Kado hasami -
Used in Japanese flower arranging, known as Ikebana and other floral arrangements.
Designed for cutting delicate flowers and stems, suitable for fine work.
Features a thin blade, ideal for precise trimming and shaping of delicate flower materials.
Used to carefully cut and shape flowers and stems to create beautiful floral arrangements.
In summerry, garden shears are primarily for cutting trees and shrubs with powerful cutting ability, while Kado hasamis are for delicate flower arrangements and precise work on flowers and stems.